terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

Schindler's List Review

There have been so much documentaries and productions presenting the Holocaust context. As a result, in deciding to film Schindler's List, director Steven Spielberg (Jurassic Park) set a objective to himself. His vision needed to differ from that of the film makers who preceded him, yet the finished product had to remain faithful to the unforgettable images which represent the legacy of six million massacred Jews. Those who see this motion picture will witness Spielberg's success.

The film opens in September of 1939 in Krakow, Poland, with the Jewish community under increasing pressure from the Nazis. Into this tumult comes Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), a Nazi businessman interested in obtaining Jewish backing for a factory he wishes to build. He makes contact with Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley), an accountant, to arrange financial matters. For a while, there is no interest and nothing happens.

March 1941. The Krakow Jewish community has been forced to live in "the Ghetto", where money no longer has any meaning. Several elders agree to invest in Schindler's factory and the DEF (Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik) is born - a place where large quantities of pots are manufactured. To do the work, Schindler hires Jews (because they're cheaper than Poles), and the German army becomes his biggest customer.

It was in March 1943. Germany's intentions towards the Jews are no longer a secret. The Ghetto was over, with the survivors being herded into the Plaszow Forced Labor Camp. Many of them was sent away and never return. During this time, Schindler has planned to became friend of the local commander, Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), a Nazi who kills Jews for sport. Using his relationship with Goeth, Schindler begins to secretly campaign to help the Jews, saving men, women, and children from the death.

terça-feira, 6 de julho de 2010

Relationships and Marriage

Today's love relationships are very different than it was in the past. Just as love relationships, which are the beginning of interaction with the opposite sex, marriage also changed considerably.
Previously, the couple was much more dependent on each other, love was sincere and lasted longer. Today, young people identify themselves by the appearance, and not by personal values. They create a relationship with much more easier, but often do it just for fun, leaving aside the symbolism of a love relationship. These relationships do not last very long in most cases, the couple is very independent of each other.
To marry in times past, the affection was not so important, often the goods and / or titles of nobility that is that the man had a forced marriage.
The function of women was to stay home and take care of this. The woman was completely dependent on man, what may be the reason of old couples never separated.
Today women have more autonomy, quality jobs, and equates to man. Is no longer inferior to him. This is the reason for which the couples nowadays are very independent of each other, and separate easily.

terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

Interesting Sites - Part 2


The website 'Vagalume' is a site that covers all, without exceptions, song lyrics. Also has videos of the songs displayed in shows and your letter encrypted.


Google is a website of universal search. All the things you are looking for, there you can find. Try it!


Google Maps is one of the attractions of Google, which shows any location, including suggested routes virtually


BBC is a British website for news around the world. The content is very good and the degree of informativeness is high.


Blogger is a website that allows a person to post text, articles, reports, chronicles and others. It's great to improve writing.

segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Interesting Sites - Part 1


Justin TV is a website that shows live views of anything, as football games, tv series, TV news and more. When a game is not being broadcast live on television for example, simply access the Justin TV and see what you want.


If you're a fanatic about football, Globo Esporte website is the right to access. There you can see live matches, be informed of breaking news, read articles from journalists and more. It is a site complete with a wealth of information.


Twitter is a site of interaction, which has as its feature news of last hour. The operation is simple, just select the sources of news that you want to follow and be happy.


In World Cup year people always seek to obtain information through newspapers, TV news, and other sources. But the best and most complete content is undoubtedly the site of FIFA. Claim it and test it yourself.


The Youtube.com is the most visited website today. Reason? It covers a huge amount of videos. Everything you demand it has: Interviews, music, performances, soccer goals and so on.

segunda-feira, 31 de maio de 2010

New record on the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was built in 1887 until 1889, to honor the centenary of the French Revolution. With over 300 meters tall, the Eiffel Tower stood as the tallest monument in the world for over forty years. We can say that the tower has more than five floors.
This week, something amazing happened. Saturday, May 29, the skater Taig Khris, 34 years old, broke the world record for largest drop in ramp skating to fall 40 meters from the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. Thousands of French people and tourists have stopped to watch the descent of Taing Khris.
Taing jumped 10 meters until your skates find a ramp mounted on the first floor of the tower, which slid by more than 30 meters. After done, Taig Khris was acclaimed as the "warrior of the ramp". Excited, the skater said, "I have not slept for many nights before this moment, but now I will."

Designer invents a new type of urinal

Sam van Veluw, a Dutch designer, has spent considerable time analyzing chemical toilets at outdoor concerts and had an idea of a urinal that can replace these toilets and cause a better utilization of concerts.
He designed the so-called P-Tree and proposed that this shall replace the chemical toilets. Your goal is to save the nature of the vulgarity of men in society today.
On its website, Veluw says the emergence of his idea was when I was in an outdoor show, tight to go to the bathroom. So do not stand the queue and urinated in the tree itself. These new urinals are stuck to the tree so that the man has the same facility as in the bathroom, and not have to wait a long line in order to make their needs.
The society had been made very grateful for the Veluw, because the world needs people with that kind of mentality and initiative. Thanks Veluw.

domingo, 30 de maio de 2010


This blog is formed by the students André Castro, Larissa Dornas and Victor Drumond.
The purpose of it is to write topics of our choice. The title''Dr Dorgas''originated from the surname of Larissa Dornas reminiscent Dorgas. This blog is also important to give us points in English. So please, read and enjoy our blog! Hugs and Kisses.